Pittsburg Renewal Project — Phase One
Phase 1 of the Pittsburg Renewal Project includes exterior woodwork around the property.
Lower Fencing
In the front, we’re going to replace wood railings that were damaged by vandalism over the last few years.
In the pictures below you can see where the wood was damaged in the areas closest to where our sprinklers were vandalized. We will also be repairing a gate and fencing damaged by loiterers camping on the property, as well as fencing that has grown cracked and aged over time.
Upper Railings
On the upper floor, we’re going to strengthen the railings around the deck in the front so that they will continue to provide a safe outdoor space for years to come.
We will be replacing or refinishing wood that is weathered or discolored, replacing hardware so that the railing is more durable, and anchoring the railing to the pillars for extra strength.
Exterior Woodwork
All around the building, we’re going to fix a number of areas of woodwork that are broken or damaged by sun or water.
Garden Gate
In the back, we’re going to enclose our rear garden, so it can be a quiet outdoor place to spend time with growing things.
For more information about the Pittsburg Renewal Project, visit our project page here or email us at info@ressuccess.org.
To help support this project, give today at our project donation page here or visit our donate page for more ways to help.