RES Case Manager Change Form Thank you for helping us keep our case manager information up to date across RES Success.(CLICK HERE to update contact information instead.) RES Staff Name * Please leave us YOUR name — the RES staff person requesting a change. First Name Last Name Program * The program connected with the case manager. Admin Office CB - Danville Public Library CB - Diablo Valley College CB - Todos Santos Park Hercules Martinez - Ferry Street Martinez - Las Juntas Street Pittsburg Pleasant Hill Type of Change * Please tell us if you are adding new information; replacing old information with new information; or removing information that is no longer valid, even if we do not yet have a replacement for it. Add Replace Remove Person Receiving Services * UCI# Case Manager * CM Email CM Phone * (###) ### #### Date of Birth for Person Receiving Services MM DD YYYY Notes Include any additional information that doesn't fit in the form above. Your case manager change request has been received! Thank you! Refresh or click here to submit another case manager change request.