Project Completed at the New Pleasant Hill Program
The Fire Safety Project is completed!
In June, we passed our final fire inspection for our new building at 3490 Buskirk Avenue in Pleasant Hill. Just recently we passed our inspection for the Community Care Licensing Division at the California Department of Social Services.
Now we’re waiting to get our license and we will be scheduling our first day in the new building as soon as possible!
We have been working to install a completely new fire sprinkler system and modify our building to meet the highest fire, safety, and accessibility standards.
The fire sprinkler system includes:
a dedicated water main
a backflow preventer and fire riser
custom manufactured plumbing throughout the building
bells, lights, emergency pulls, and an alarm system
emergency exit lighting
192 sprinklers covering the 6,256 square feet inside the building and balconies and walkways outside the building
To meet code requirements, we also:
reconfigured nearly every exterior door and a few interior doors
created a new emergency exit
rebuilt a bathroom to meet ADA requirements
added a wheelchair ramp to the sidewalk
removed walls, replaced flooring, and made countless small repairs and modifications
While we are waiting for our license, our team is busy…
Arranging transportation routes
Cleaning, organizing, and putting the finishing touches on our new spaces
And training our team of DSPs to transition to a site-based location.
We are looking forward to opening our doors very soon and welcoming adults with IDD back to a daily program in a fun, welcoming environment with caring, committed staff.
At RES, we are so grateful for the supportive community of families and individuals who donated and stood with us to make this project possible.
Support for this project came from more than 100 individuals and organizations, including:
contributions from Heritage Bank of Commerce (;
the employees and board of Hellman & Friedman (;
and a very special grant from the
Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation (
You can learn more about this project on our Buskirk Fire Safety Project page here. It’s not too late to help us meet the cost of this project by making a last-minute donation on our Giving page here.