Celebrating Big Improvements at RES Success in Pittsburg

We are celebrating some of the big improvements at our Pittsburg programs over the last year thanks to support from the Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation and the Keller Canyon Mitigation Fund.

While we were providing remote services during the height of the pandemic, the Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation made a generous grant to replace the flooring on the ground level of the Pittsburg building. This area serves our program participants with some of the greatest mobility challenges. The new flooring is seamless and beautiful throughout the program area, and it helps create a warm and welcoming environment for the people we serve.

For more information about the Dean and Margaret Lesher Foundation and their work in our community, visit their website here.

At the same time, the Keller Canyon Mitigation Fund made a grant that helped to secure and beautify the property. Their support allowed us to make urgent repairs to our doors, weakened by break-in attempts while the building was unused during the pandemic. It also allowed us to install new fencing and restore and maintain the landscaping. This made the property more beautiful just in time to welcome participants back after the pandemic. It also kept our building secure and was a step in discouraging overnight loitering on the property.


We are so grateful to both of these agencies for partnering with us to care for and support men and women with disabilities in our community!


This isn’t the end of improvements at Pittsburg. We are continuing to seek funding to replace upstairs flooring as well, to repaint the building, and to add and replace lights around the property and make other security improvements. Our goal is for our program environment to be as welcoming and joyful as the fantastic team that works there and the wonderful people we serve!

To help support our facilities improvements, click the donate button above or visit our donation page here for more options.


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